Postcards were a nice addition to Pokémon GO. But when they’re directly tied to gifts, they become little more than photographic wrapping paper. In an effort to give postcards more meaning, Niantic has added a Postcard Book.
With this feature, whenever players receive a postcard attached to a gift from a friend, they can choose to save that postcard in a personal collection book. Players can also save postcards from their own gifts, in case they visit somewhere memorable. By visiting either your item bag or your profile, you can then view your postcard collection.
If privacy is a concern, players can opt out of having their trainer nickname show on the postcard. This can be set in the settings menu.
This is a nice touch. It definitely gives the postcards more of a reason to be a part of the game. Though to be honest, we don’t anticipate making a great deal of use out of the feature.