I’m just going to come right out and say it: we all have a problem. It’s probably not our fault. But for some reason, we can’t stop filling every gym we see with Vaporeons. If it’s not Vaporeons, it’s Exeggutors. Regardless, they are filled to the brim with mostly one type of Pokemon. And that’s a really really bad strategy.
Maybe it’s because the Pokemon games have a history of single-type gyms. But do you know what else those gyms had? Severe weakness. A mediocre Pikachu can wreck a gym of high level water types. The issue most likely comes from what we have on hand. It’s simply more likely that your highest CP Pokemon is the same one as those around you. But please remember, having different types in a gym is way more effective than total CP. So next time, instead of that Vaporeon, toss in that lower level Magmar in there instead. Trust me, you’re gym will thank you for it.