Hello Trainers. Niantic has changed up the nest situation again. As before, your typical nests will be sporting different Pokemon than you’re used to. The exact changes are hard to report on, of course. Ever since Pokemon GO upgraded the nest-shuffling system, there’s been no exact way to tell how your own nest has changed. So the only real way to find out for sure is to hop out and take a look for yourself. When you do, though, be sure to watch out for icy roads.

There’s no telling what’s inside!
So far, changing up the nests has been a great way to add flavor to Pokemon GO. The occasional swap is probably the best way to give trainers access to different Pokemon without requiring them to hit the road and get out of their comfort zones. That is, unless they’re interested in grabbing a region-exclusive Pokemon. Try as you might, you still have to find your way to another country to get your hands on one of those. Hopefully trading will change that, but there’s no telling when that will come out. Until then, happy training!