Thanks to a hilarious glitch in Pokemon GO, quick players can see enormous versions of their Buddy Pokemon. The event supposedly happens when players pull up the in-game profile. For a split second, your buddy pops up in enormous proportions on the in-game map. It’s both amazing and terrifying. Of course, it depends on which Pokemon is your Buddy.

“Please don’t eat me.”
Of course, the little “glitch” isn’t actually a glitch at all. Your profile window shows you hanging out with your Buddy Pokemon in very appropriate scale. All that happens is that the game renders your little friend just a bit before the rest of the profile. So if you’re quick enough with your screen capture, you can record your own little Godzilla experience with your own Pokemon (or The Blob if you’re using Ditto).
Go ahead and give it a shot. I just tried it with my Magikarp, and my home was absolutely covered in useless fish. My neighborhood will never be the same.