Sometimes, everything in Pokemon GO seems like they flee at the drop of the hat. Other times, you really feel like you’re catching them all. It can be really hard to get an idea of the exact flee rates for varying Pokemon. However, now we don’t have to figure it out. The team over at GamePress has compiled a nifty chart for all of us.

Very nifty!
Most of the list seems pretty standard. However, there are a couple that are a bit surprising. Specifically, after breaking free from a Pokemon, a Charmander is twice as likely to run away as a Charizard. There may be a good explanation for it. Perhaps it takes into consideration that a Charizard will likely break free many more times than it’s under-evolved form. That would make catching one quite a bit harder. But, there’s no telling for sure. However, there is one thing about the chart that is spot on. Abra is rocking a 99% flee rate here, which is honestly the most appropriate stat period.